Depression of Teenage Girls
During the adolescent period most often the girls develop depressive disorder. The rate of depressive illness is higher in teenage girls ...
During the adolescent period most often the
girls develop depressive disorder. The rate of depressive illness is higher in
teenage girls than teenage boys. During this age, the girls become very
sensitive and they have less tolerance power than boys which makes them
very emotional as a result they can easily be attacked by depression.
In the age of adolescent period, the girls have
to go through the puberty stage which brings some physical changes along with
biological and hormonal changes in their life and leads depressive illness. But
it does mean that every teenage girl develops depression during puberty. Some of
the girls can adjust with the changes and successfully overcome the puberty
period. But some of them could not handle the sudden biological and hormonal
changes and get severely depressed.
During teenage, the girls who develop depressive
disorder, experience some signs which sometimes could reaches in severe stage.
Such as feeling of loneliness or worthlessness, or reluctant to go to school or
do study, even some girls express their feeling for fear of losing parents.
Most of the depressed girls do not want to receive treatment for their illness
as they are less confident for their recovery. Apart from puberty period, sexual and
physical abuse are the highly featured factors which can lead depressive
illness among them. Most of the girls could not express their unusual events of
sexual abuse and get more depressed.
The parents can play a vital role for recovery
of their children's depression. Sometimes they work as best medicine for their depressed
child. The parents of an adolescence girl can help her by sharing her sorrows
and difficulties. A depressed girl should get extra care and love from her parents.
So the parents should accompany her and pass some quality time with their child
so that she can remove her feeling of loneliness and worthlessness. The parents
also can take her to the doctors and properly look after her medicine taking.
Now a day the number of depressed teenage girls
has rapidly increased. A study has shown that 70% teenage girls experience
depressive illness whereas only 14% teenage boys experience depressive