Causes of Male depression
According to some studies, depression hits more women than men. But in some cases it is not true. Because depression in male is commo...
According to some studies, depression hits more
women than men. But in some cases it is not true. Because depression in male is
common but male depression is not frequently visible as female depression. So some people
have misconception that men do not attacked by depression. Men also suffer from
depressive illness and face some physical and mental illness. As male
depression is also common so there are some particular reasons which can lead this
male depression.
Genetic: The genetic influence is the main and most
common cause of male depression. Most of the men can inherit the depressive
illness from their parents.
Apart from genetic reason, some male could develop the depressive illness
for some stressful situations which are as follows:
- Poor Relationship: Poor relationship with family and friends is one of most important causes or reasons for male depression. Conflict with family and friends keeps him isolated from the social network. Especially in case of married person, misunderstanding or disagreement is very much common in every spouse. There will be different view, opinion between husband and wife. Sometimes these misunderstanding and disagreements range from law to high stage. Someone can bear the marital difficulties, reversely someone could not. This could affect a husband seriously and makes him depressed. Poor relationship can cause other serious problem and raise the male depression, sometimes demolish the whole relationship. So a man should have the capability to handle the relationship successfully and to prevent the male depressive illness to get in him.

- Separation and Divorce: Men depressed in greater number due to separation and divorce. Men have the natural tendency to dominate over the women. Some males want to operate the family according to their rules. Sometimes this domination and poor relation reach in the separation or divorce stage. This reason sometimes affects severely the men even it can leads them in the stage of major disorder and also can manipulate them to commit suicide. Separation or Divorce can trigger less interaction with the children, moreover who are financially dependent on their wife they become financially weak, and for many others stressful situation, the men can develop the depressive illness. Some of the men also become dependent on drugs or alcohol which gradually reduces their charm of life.
- Sex: poor sexual relationship with the partner also could be another reason for the male depressive disorder. If the sexual relationship is not satisfactory for long time then the men could develop the depressive illness.
- Pregnancy and children: there is a concept that after becoming a mother, the women become depressed. But now a day, this concept has been completely changed. Men also can be attacked by depressive illness after becoming a father. And the numbers of male depression due to this reason are not few. Though becoming a father is one of greatest feelings of life, but sometimes this sudden change also can change the mental stage or psychological feelings. Because after becoming a father the responsibility of a man generally increased, his previous life as well as daily activities have been changed. He has to perform many responsibilities towards his children, his wife. He has to take care of his child and his wife; he has to spend lots of time with his child. Moreover, during pregnancy the wives are naturally being prevented for doing sexual relationship due to some health conscious matter. But some men could not realize it and take it as negligence and become depressed. In addition, as male have to spend time with his child and wife, sometimes they cannot concentrate on their work properly, this also can lead depression. So pregnancy and having child are not only the reason for female depression but also the reason for male depression.
- Unemployment: Unemployment or job failure is one of the highly featured reasons for male depression. Men tend to be more successful, powerful. Professional life or job makes them independent, stronger and helps them to get respect from others. If any man experiences job failure or unemployment, then it is very common to find depressive illness in that man. Because it losses their confidence as well as makes them dependent on family. Sometimes it becomes a pain for married man. He has to depend on his wife for financial purpose. Many men could not bear this situation and fall in great grief which causes depression.
- Retirement: Retirement from job, retirement from sport, or any sort of retirement can cause depression for men. Because continuous job or any continuous work make the men habituated towards their work. Sudden break can create some physical changes like loss of drive or could create physical pain. These all reasons lead the man to develop depression.
- Stroke: Stroke could be another strong reason for depressive disorder. If anybody is attacked by stroke then it often happens that the person become depressed. About 40% of people who is attacked by stroke have the possibility to develop depressive disorder. Stroke can affect very severely to any person, for example it can harm any part of the body which is very troublesome and frustrating event. If anybody’s body is affected then it can also affect in the professional career as well as personal life. As a result some people become severely depressed. The depressive illness may also result of the brain’s response to the damage which is caused by the stroke. So, people who have suffered from strokes can definitely get depressed. The depression which is caused by stroke should immediately be treated medically.