Depression for Children & Teenage Boys

Depressive symptoms are basically common in those children who are emotionally disturbed by nature. Serious depressive illness is not ver...

Depressive symptoms are basically common in those children who are emotionally disturbed by nature. Serious depressive illness is not very much common in children and may be seen in about 1 in 1000 children and less severe depressive disorder take place in about 2 children in 100. Before reaching at puberty stage, the rates of depression in boys and girls are equal. But after reaching at puberty stage the rate of depression become twice in girls comparing to boys. About 5 adolescents in 100 become depressed. Commencement of depression most often take place between ages 15 and 19.

In previous days, depression among children or teenage boys was not common and or may be undiagnosed. But now a day’s boys and teenage boys are also attacked by depressive illness and their illness or symptoms of depression are diagnosed properly.

Child depression can affect in the later life and carry in the long run. In most cases the parents are unaware of their children depression and take the symptoms very easily. But sometimes child or youth depression can range to major stage in their adult age.

Depression brings some behavioral changes and physical changes among children, such as: abdominal pain, headache and fatigue. However severe symptom, such as self harm or suicide thought is not basically common in children; these thoughts are common in teenager boys. Some age group like teenage boys may be attacked by major depressive disorder in greater number whereas adult male face bipolar depressive disorder.

The symptoms and signs of depression may vary according to age. The young person who is in depression can react differently than the depressed child. Such as the young depressed child may be reluctant to go to school regularly or he feels sick all the time. In addition, the depressed children often become hot-tempered or feel lonely.

In contrast, the young man or adolescent males often faces both psychological and physical illness. He become anxious about every little thing and he is also attacked by other illness. In some cases, though depressed child or depressed teenage boys would be able to get rid of depression but it can affect in the later life. Especially the young boys can committed to suicide or increase the use of drugs or other intoxicants due to depressive illness.

Bipolar depressive disorder is not very much common in young children or in teenage boys. But it can affect both child and young man. Some psychological problems like, loss of energy, lack of interest, hostility are featured examples of bipolar disorder. Bipolar disorder can be ranged from both manic and depressive. Sometimes children and adolescent males inherit the bipolar disorder from their parents.

But the good news is that, child or teenage depression is often successfully treatable only with the help of talking treatment. The parents also could play the vital role regarding recovery of their children’s depression. Especially for the children, parents are the best medicine. Sometimes many parents cannot understand the mental difficulties of their children. Most often they neglect these symptoms. As a result child depression and young depression often goes undiagnosed.

In recent years, the rate of child or young depression has been increased rapidly. In order to get rid of this depressive illness the parents should first take the initiative. They would be able to understand their mental stage.

Other family members also should be able to identify whether the child or teenage boy is depressed or not. They ought to take immediate steps after they found their son or brother in depressive stage so as to rescue them from depression. Children and adolescents boys can also be treated with some antidepressants medicines.

So whenever a young boy or child is found suffering from depression, immediate action should be taken for their recovery.


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