Top 10 Causes of Female Depression
People face difficulties due to some unusual and tough situations of life. For example death of a close or loved person, poor relation...
People face difficulties due to some unusual and
tough situations of life. For example death of a close or loved person, poor
relationship, financial crisis, or any bad childhood experience. These unusual
events or any stressful events can weaken a person’s mental state which can
lead the person to gradually develop depressive illness. Depression not only
affect a person’s personal life, but also can affect his/her professional even
the academic life.
Similarly there are some factors which can affect the women severely and can put them in depressive state. Different phases of life often bring negative and severe changes in a woman’s life. For example loss of job or failures of study are the most common factors which can trigger depression in the young female.
Similarly there are some factors which can affect the women severely and can put them in depressive state. Different phases of life often bring negative and severe changes in a woman’s life. For example loss of job or failures of study are the most common factors which can trigger depression in the young female.

But whatever the reason is behind the depressive
disorder, this can affect a woman’s life and her thoughts, emotions, sleep, appetite
and behavior severely. All the female should be
aware of the factors or reasons which can trigger depressive disorder among
them so that they could take precautions and successfully beat those stressful
events or any unusual situation.
Here are some possible reasons and factors which
often become responsible for female depression:
Most of the children often inherited the depressive
illness from their parents or siblings. If the parents had a depressive
disorder then it may affect their children. Even during pregnancy if the mother
become depressed then it will certainly affect the upcoming child and it also
could affect the child in the adulthood.
Genetic research has shown that the possibility
for developing the depression can be resulted from the combination of multiple genes and
environmental factors. But it does not mean that every person will inherit the depression from parents or genetic is the only reason for the female
Depression also can take place within women due
to changes in the brain chemical. Depression brings massive changes in the
brain chemistry of neurotransmitters or serotonin which can affect greatly in women's behavioral pattern or mood and create the symptoms of depression like,
irritability, mood disorder, change of appetite, insomnia among women. According
to the study, hormonal imbalance directly affect the brain chemistry which puts the women into
depressive illness during their different stages of life.
or Divorce:
Poor marital relationship is the most common
reason for female depression. Poor relationship with husbands could lead
divorce or separation which can puts the women into depression. This depressive
illness can ranges to major disorder which is very harmful for the women.
The major depressive disorder can bring suicidal
thought in the woman’s mind. After divorce or separation a woman has to perform
all duties alone. A working woman has to maintain both home and office concurrently which
can make her very stressful as a result she might be attacked by depressive
4. Retirement or Unemployment:
Retirement or unemployment especially affects
the elderly women. In the middle age, retirement from job could become
responsible for the depressive illness of elderly women. In this age, the women
have to financially dependent on others as well it breaks their regular
routine. Most of the elderly women are being unable to handle this situation
and become severely depressed.
Puberty stage starts at adolescences period. In
this stage the girls often become depressed. Puberty stage brings some physical
and mental changes in their life. Some of the girls could not adjust with these
changes and become shattered. As a result they suffer from depressive disorder.
It is one of the most featured reasons of female
depression. During pregnancy the women always deserve extra care and love from
family members. If any pregnant woman deprived from this love and care then she might gets depressed which is both risky for mother and child. Even during
this pregnancy stage, fear of death is the common symptom among many depressed
pregnant women.
Postpartum Depression:
In most cases women develop depression during
new motherhood. After becoming a mother a female could experience “baby blue’
which often leads her to develop depression which is known as postpartum
depression. It often happens that after giving birth a child, the women suffers
from elevated mood or mood disorder. At this stage the women may experience
some physical or hormonal changes.
Moreover a mother also has to deal with some new
responsibilities or she has to fulfill extra care towards her child. These all
changes and new responsibility of life lead the women to develop depression in
this period.
Even some of the husbands do not show any extra
care or love toward their wives and this negligence can create depression and
anxiety among the women.
Postpartum depression can put the women in the
riskier stage and stay for longer period. Sometimes pregnancy depression also
could be responsible for postpartum depression. It will not only affect the
mother but also will affect the child. Most of the depressed mothers show
negligence and irritation toward their child which can be very dangerous for
the children.
Premenstrual Difficulties:
Before menstruation period, the women can
develop the signs of depression. For example, the women could behave in a
hostile or aggressive mood with everybody. She also could be attacked by the
feelings of hopelessness or loneliness at this stage. Before the menstruation
period the symptoms or signs of depression are referred as premenstrual
dysphoric disorder. At this stage of life the women may behave or react in
different manner which is not their general behavior. Though in this
premenstrual period hormonal changes are not common, but this period could
brings some mental difficulties among the women which are responsible for their
depressive illness.
Menopause Period:
Menopause stage does not create depressive illness
itself. But in this stage the women experiences some hormonal changes which may
lead the women to build depression in them.
In the middle stage of life, most of the women experience thyroid
problem. Thyroid is not only cause of depressive illness. But if any female has
thyroid problem then she may suffers from some signs and symptoms of depression
like irritability, anger, loneliness, weight change, grief etc.