Some Other types of Depression
Depression can be of different kinds. Here are few other types of depression: Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) Seasonal Affectiv...
Depression can be of different kinds. Here are few other types of depression:
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
Affective Disorder (SAD) is characterized by number of
episodes of major depression reoccurring at a particular season of the year
such as fall or winter. This disorder affect more women and younger people and
commonly visible in northern climates. Generally, Sufferers from SAD get more depressed in the season of autumn or
winter (when daylight is reduced) and may experience high moods swings or mania
in the spring season. To diagnosis the SAD, a person has to experience certain
symptoms like drowsiness, weight gain and carbohydrate cravings for 2
consecutive years.
Like any other depressive state,
seasonal affective disorder is also treatable. Designed bright light therapy is
very helpful and beneficial treatment for the victims for getting recovery from
SAD. However, sometimes light therapy may not be sufficient for those patients
who are severely depressed. Moreover if the people, who have suffered from SAD,
are attacked by non-seasonal depression then the outcomes may be more extreme
and light therapy treatment will be less effective. In such cases drug therapy
will be the best option for recovery of severely depressed people.
Postpartum Depression
This type of depressive
disorder is exemplified by major depressive episodes that take place among
women after having a baby. About 10-15% of women develop postpartum depression
in the first year of their motherhood after having a baby due to some negative
biological, psychological and social factors and changes. For example:
§ Medical history of depression before conceive
§ Depression during pregnancy
§ Poor marital relationship
§ Lack of social support
§ Lack of family support
§ Current stressful life events
§ Severe maternity blues in the week after delivery
Women usually experience certain
symptoms of postpartum depression within four weeks of giving birth which are
as follows:
Tearful at every single matter
Feeling of anxiousness
Find it tough to play with their
Showing negative respond to their
In most cases women experience
so-called ‘baby blues’ in the first few days after childbirth due to rapid
hormone changes, but it’s outcome and duration are quite different from
postpartum depression.
To get rid of this type of
depression counseling with doctors, G.P. even with nearest one could be beneficial
and effective. Though the recovery rate is satisfactory but some women
experience these depressive symptoms 6 months after the birth of their baby.
Atypical Depression
depression is very unusal catagory of depression as the symptoms are psychotic
in nature. The features or outcomes of Atypical
Depression are different from Major Depressions to some extent. Even this
depression is also considered as sub type of Dysthymia due to its long
continuity. The people who have developed Atypical Depression often experiences
positive changes in the mood such as happiness and joy. The sufferers believe
that outside events like praise, attention or achievement are the factors which
are responsible for their mood changes. The symptoms of atypical
depression are as follows:
- Overeating
- Oversleeping
- Fatigue
- Severe sensitivity to rejection. Etc.
Psychotic Depression:
Psychotic depression leads a
person to experience unbelievable and unusual symptoms. For example, the psychotic
depressed person often feel or see scary and negative sounds, voices or visuals
that are imaginary or do not exist in real. These symptoms are commonly
referred as hallucinations.
Anxiety Depression
Depression along with Anxiety
creates another category of depression which is called as Anxiety
Anxiety is addition to depression
and often co-occurs with depression. Almost all people will experience anxiety
at times in their lives. Anxiety can be characterized as a normal response to
stressful events.
Anxiety leads a person to
experience physical and psychological symptoms which are as follows:
Sleeping disturbance
Continous headaches
Fear for every thing
Lack of concentration
Feeling of tiredness
of these anxiety symptoms could be ranges to major stage if they are abnormally severe, long lasting and affect in normal functioning.
Melancholic Depression:
Melancholic Depression is considered as a sub type of Major Depression. the sufferes of melancholic depression may experience
loss of plesure in every activity and lack of interest which lead them to show slow response to the impermanent positive events in the
Catatonic Depression:
Catatonic Depression is also a
sub type of Major Depression and is exemplified by several symptoms which are as follows:
§ Unnecessary movement
§ High conflict to anyone’s suggestions
§ Lack of voluntary movement
§ Failure to react in social environment
§ Repetation of words.
Endogenous Depression:
Depression is a special kind of depression due to absence of any obvious
symptoms. In case of endogenous depression the illness come from inside the
body. Generally endogenous depression is not influenced by the external events.
Endogenous depression is a severe type of depression and regarded as the major
depressive disorder. Sleeping disturbance, lack of interest, weight loss are
some of the important symptoms of depression.
Exogenous Depression
develop exogenous depression due to having stressful event in life, such as
separation or divorce, great grief, failure of study, unemployment and so on.
Chronic Depression:
If the symptoms of major
depression are constant for two
consecutive years then it will
considered as chronic depression.