Ultimate Guideline of Bipolar Disorder Treatment
Previously we have talked about the Treatment of Bipolar Disorder for Adults . Today we will try to give you a complete guideline on...

Previously we have talked about the Treatment of Bipolar Disorder for Adults. Today we will try to give you a complete guideline on the entire bipolar disorder treatment process.
Psychotherapy is such a treatment process which
has the ability to treat the bipolar disorder successfully. Sometimes some
hidden psychological reasons lead bipolar disorder which is unknown by the
patient or even by the G.P. So psychotherapy can be helpful to screen or
evaluate the hidden reason behind bipolar disorder. The previous records said that if the patient takes therapy along with the medications then their
medicine taking will be more effective and work fast. By receiving therapy you
will be able to control your symptoms and sign and manage your difficulties.
are many distinct types of therapies which can help you to come out from
bipolar depressive disorder. Here are the followings:
- Cognitive-behavioral Therapy: Cognitive behavioral therapy is the most common therapy which is prescribed by the psychotherapist for the patient with bipolar disorder. This therapy is applied to recognize the negative thoughts, believes, behavior and to transform these negative thoughts into positive believe or behavior. Cognitive behavioral therapy also can identify the causes of bipolar disorder. By taking this therapy you will be able to control and relief your symptoms and to avoid the triggers successfully for problem solving. Cognitive therapy often brings excellent and quick result while treating young children and preschoolers. Cognitive-behavioral therapy also helps the bipolar patients to monitor and observe their mood cycles and symptoms and assist the doctor during the treatment process.
- Interpersonal Therapy: Bipolar disorder often occurs due to poor relationship with partner, family members or friends. Interpersonal therapy can help you to change your irritate behavior towards your nearest people and to adjust the relationship. By receiving this therapy your interpersonal poor relationship will be turn into a good relationship and the extra stress which lead some unusual circumstances also can be relieved. Interpersonal therapy works on current relationship issues to address and solve interpersonal problems. It also works great in reducing stressful situation in life and adjusts the mood cycling.
- Social Rhythm Therapy: Interpersonal therapy is often combined with social rhythm therapy for people with bipolar disorder. Social rhythm therapy helps people to adjust and maintain their normal regular activities and social rhythms such as sleeping, eating, and exercising. By taking social rhythm therapy you will be able to perform your daily routines and regulate your mood swing.
- Family focused Therapy: The person with bipolar disorder experience some signs and symptom which also affect the other family members. Family focused therapy identifies the factors which create stress in the family and help the person to maintain a stress free atmosphere. Basically family therapy includes or involves the entire family member with the depressed person. It will help the members to diagnosis the symptoms of bipolar disorder in the person and to cope up with the persisting problems, avoid the clash or conflict and also to make an improved communication among all family members.
- Counseling: Counseling is another psychotherapy which can help the patient to come out from bipolar disorder successfully. Counseling makes you enable to properly understand the condition and state of bipolar disorder. It is beneficiary for getting the right treatment and to apply the self help tactics and to recognize the upcoming symptoms of bipolar disorder. Apart from these psychotherapies, there are other effective and beneficiary treatments for the recovery of bipolar disorder. Like play therapy, medication, hospitalization and the most advanced stage ECT therapy. These treatments are given below with detailed description.
- Play Therapy: Play therapy is basically executed for the young children and infant to treat their mental disorder. This therapy has to be performed with great care and skill in order to bring effective result. Play therapy works to build and improve skills in the areas of attention, interpersonal relationships, awareness, and elevated mood. It also helps the young patients to forget their traumatic event like, sexual abuse or lost of parents or any other kinds life traumas.
- Medication: Taking medication is also an important part of treatment for bipolar disorder. But every medicine does not work in the same way for every person. You should have the right medicine which is prescribed by the mental health professional since the antidepressant medicines can cause mania or rapid cycling between depression and mania which could be very harmful for your wealth. There are many medicines or antidepressant medicines with low side effects which can relief your symptoms of bipolar disorder and control the negative condition of bipolar disorder. However, don’t stop taking your medication even if you are feeling better. Consult with your doctor before stopping or changing the medicines.
- Electroconvulsive Therapy: Sometimes the medicine and other psychotherapy become failed to rescue the people from bipolar disorder. ECT is applied for such kind of patients. Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is considered as the most effective and rapidly acting treatment for severe depression and bipolar disorder. ECT can be able to reduce the suicidal thought or other negative behavior. ECT pass electric shock to the brain or brief attack (lasts for 1 minute or less) in a person under general anesthesia which occurs changes in the mental state and stabilize the mood disorder. ECT is executed 2-3 times per week, usually for 6 to 12 hours of treatments and performed by psychiatrist and an anesthesiologist. The patient has to be asleep while receiving the ECT. If you have the severe episode of mania or severe depressive disorder then ECT can be helpful to get rid of the condition bipolar disorder.
- Hospitalization: Patient of bipolar disorder can be cured by hospitalization. Because the mental state evaluation and mental health treatment of the person with bipolar disorder can be done under calm and secure environment. It will also beneficiary for your severe mood disorder. The symptoms of manic phase and the symptoms of depressive phase will be under control though hospitalization. Outpatient hospitalization also is a good option for treating the severe condition of bipolar depressive disorder.
Thanks for sharing an informative and useful post on Bipolar Depression. To Know more Information Click on Here: Bipolar Depression Treatment .