Signs and Symptoms of Mania
Bipolar disorder is also referred as manic depression. About 1 per cent of the populations suffer from bipolar disorder at their lives...
Bipolar disorder is also referred as manic
depression. About 1 per cent of the populations suffer from bipolar disorder at
their lives due to ups and downs in life. Bipolar I disorder is basically
characterized by its manic or mixed episode and diagnosed by some particular
signs or symptoms.
Mania leads the people to develop one episode or even many episodes of depression. Basically mania affects both genders and often first appears in the young people age group between 18 - 24 years. Mania can strongly affect ones ability to perform regular activity which often causes difficulties in both professional and personal life.
Mania leads the people to develop one episode or even many episodes of depression. Basically mania affects both genders and often first appears in the young people age group between 18 - 24 years. Mania can strongly affect ones ability to perform regular activity which often causes difficulties in both professional and personal life.
Like other depressive state, mania also comes
with various symptoms and signs. The signs and symptoms of manic depression can
be resulted from some psychological difficulties and unusual circumstances
of life. To properly diagnose and to take right treatment,
the signs are very important to identify.
So dear reader, if you are facing the following
signs then you should immediately seek for treatment before it is too late.
Because manic disorder is a very severe state of bipolar disorder and sometimes
these symptoms lead to major disorder.
- If you are suffering from regular sleeping disturbance that means you are developing mania.
- Sufferers of mania often have a conflict with reality.
- You have gain more weight or lose weight due to sudden change of your appetite. It is another sign which can be frequently visible among the victims of manic depressive disorder.
- Feeling excessive pleasure or happiness is the most common symptoms of manic phase of bipolar disorder.
- Even some victims also waste their valuable saving in purchasing luxurious items.
- Showing anxiousness or agitation in any simple matter is one of the common symptoms for all category of depression.
- If you are unable to control your temper and you are showing continuous irritation, then maybe you are developing mania.
- Mania also illustrated by excess talking manner or rapid talking habit.
- People with mania often experience the symptoms of over joy or extreme energy which can sometimes bring negative effect.
- If you are feeling over confident or if you are feeling the supreme power then it could be a negative symptom of mania.
- Becoming self-centered or seeking for excess self-esteem is the outcome of manic phase of depression.
- The people who are suffering from mania most often they experience the feeling of full of energy and always planning about new ideas and thoughts.
- If you have increased your use of harmful intoxicant then seek for treatment. It can be the effect of mania.
- Your reckless behavior, risk taking hallucinations, illogical thinking also might refer that you have developed the manic phase of bipolar disorder.
- People with mania often have a conflict with family or friends.
- The sufferer may feel a sense of guilt and embarrassment as an outcome of mania.
- Your continuous racing thoughts, unattainable plans are certainly symptoms of mania.
- Lack of awareness towards a situation.
- Low hearing voices.
- Increased sexual behavior.
- Showing poor judgment (ex-quit a job).
- Sufferers of mania are unable to concentrate on work or study.